Send Out this Message (Forward this Message)
Copy the link to this website and send this message to as many people on as many platforms as possible including email, Facebook, Instagram, blogs, etc. We need teams of people in every city, every suburb and every rural town, especially in swing states, offline as well as online on every social media platform, reaching out and connecting with all. You never know what one person this is forwarded to who ends up moving mountains. 
    Note – Follow every platform’s rules. If you send it to multiple recipients, be aware of spamming restrictions.
    Note – Maintain anonymity of the person who sent you the message and of every one of your recipients. Before sending the message to anyone, remove all prior email addresses, names, etc. and Blind-CC all recipients.

Make Campaign Donations
Donate campaign funds to Democratic candidates and political action committees (PACs) from the office of the President to House of Representatives and Senators. You probably receive frequent donation request emails. Now is the time to turn on your patriotic generosity! Be careful to ensure that you do not send donations to a fraudulent recipient.  Encourage concerned citizens to donate campaign funds. 

Convince People to Vote Democratic down the ballot
Here are a few things Trump plans to do: 
1) Terminate our constitution and turn our democracy into a dictatorship, and the Supreme Court just declared he can get away with it. 
2) Take control of the Department of Justice and Weaponize it against his political enemies. 
3) Round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of the country starting on day one.
4) Cut Social Security. 
5) Repeal the $35 cap on insulin.  
6) Eliminate Obamacare
7) Eliminate the Department of Education.  
8) Limit access to contraception. 
9) Undo everything the Biden administration has done to reverse climate warming
10) Put Generals in charge of the military who will do whatever he wants even if it is against the law
11) Replace all democrats in government positions with people who will do his bidding
12) Take control of the media, curtail our freedom of speech.
13) Put a nationwide ban on abortion with or without an act of congress, putting a full on attack on reproductive freedom. Trump hand-picked 3 justices of Supreme Court because he intended them to undo the protections of Roe v Wade. And they did. Now over 20 states have the abortion ban, many with no exceptions even for rape and incest, or the risk of loss of life to the mother. Trump proudly takes credit.

Talk to people who are considering not voting or voting for a 3rd party
Don’t spend a lot of time trying convince Trump supporters who have made up their mind. Instead, talk to the others who don’t want to vote for Trump and make them aware of the stakes involved in this election if Trump were to win. Tell them about all the things Trump plans to do if he were to become President for a 2nd term. Send them this video so they can fully understand the grave danger we are in should Trump win. =>  Aftermath. Staying home or voting for a 3rd party candidate will help Trump to win. We need to save our Democracy!

By having enough Democrats in both the House and Senate, these things can be accomplished:
1. Legalize abortion in all states
2. Reverse the Supreme Court recent ruling of allowing one man, the President, to be above the law, removing all the guardrails on the Presidency.
3. Make sure that Trump can never run again and to make it illegal for convicted felons like him to run for the office of President
4. Pass the recent voting rights act that Republicans voted against.
And more….not to mention save our democracy. 

Form or join a Pro-Democracy Local Group
If you’ve resisted the temptation to jump into politics in the past, now is the time to dive in! Form a political action group to affect local, state or national elections. Recruit. Organize. Hold meetings. Write action plans. Collect donations. Stop GOP intimidation. Create convincing advertising. Hold Zoom meetings.

You can easily volunteer right from you own home by writing letters, phone banking and more.   Click Here for various ways to volunteer.

Plan a Trip to one of the Swing States to get out the vote
If you have the time and resources, bring a group of friends to volunteer in the one of the swing states to get people registered and voting to save our democracy. Many are not paying attention to the news. Network, go door to door, talk to people in parking lots about the stakes involved in this next election. Connect with local democratic campaigns in that swing state to get going.

Run For Office
Whether you are Democrat, Republican or Independent, if you are not an election results denier and feel inclined to help to save our democracy, run for local, state or federal office.

Contact Famous People to support the Democratic party
Contact famous people like Taylor Swift and others who might have an influence with their followers to vote. Encourage them to take action.

Turn off Fox News and Turn on More Neutral News Broadcasts in Public
Who knows how many individuals are influenced by incidentally watching Fox News broadcast in public places such as restaurants and bars. If you’re in a public place where Fox News, Newsmax, or some other right-wing news is being broadcast, ask to have it changed to CNN, MSNBC, local news, or any other more-neutral broadcast

Educate People who are not keeping up

  1. Online or In Person
  2. Flyer Distribution
  3. Toastmasters – You don’t have be a member. You can visit any group 3 times and be able to speak briefly and you can choose this topic.
  4. Any group where you can give speeches.
  5. Business Networking Meetings – pass out flyers with links
  6. Facebook Groups – Postings
  7. Zoom meetings – Attend or organize zoom meetings
  8. Community Groups/Meetings that you form and lead or attend.
  9. Door to Door – pass out flyers
  10. Email – Copy links of Videos listed on this page and email to as many people as you can.
  11. Telephone – volunteer phone banking and more.